For many seniors, cleaning their own homes isn’t practical. All the reaching up, leaning down, and heavy lifting are simply too much. Yet seniors need clean homes for safety and security as well as for comfort and peace of mind.
That’s why Pinheiro’s Cleaning specializes in providing comprehensive home cleaning for senior citizens.
Reliable and Caring
A lot of residential cleaners are all business. They come in, do the job as quickly as possible, and get out without saying a word or even acknowledging the client in many cases.
But Pinheiro’s Cleaning knows that for many seniors, cleaners are some of the only people that visit their homes on a regular basis. They look forward to seeing us and often develop relationships with the people who clean their homes week in and week out.
Our residential cleaners understand that for our older clients, a cleaning day is something special. So they take the time to talk to our senior citizen homeowners, getting to know about their lives and making sure everything is okay with them. We offer the personalized, human touch to our cleaning services for seniors.
Looking Out for You
Many of our senior clients are looking for a little companionship with their cleaning services. That’s why we personalize the experience, taking our time and making the effort to make you feel as comfortable and appreciated as possible.
If you are a senior citizen homeowner in South Florida who can no longer perform your everyday cleaning like you used to, don’t worry. You’re not alone. At a certain point, all of us have to deal with the limitations of aging.
Let Pinheiro’s Cleaning take care of keeping your home neat, clean, and orderly while providing you with a weekly visit from friends who just happen to be house cleaners.